「Easy Hackintosh Dell 10v guide - v1.3」を発見。
Dell 10vの方はやってみると吉かも。
「【ポイント10倍】【送料無料】DELL Inspiron mini10v + イーモバイルD31HW セットにねんMAX【E...」
続きをどうぞ…This is version 1.3 of my popular guide. Not only does it have an easy to dollow step-by-step guide, but I captured screenshots of various points to let you know you're following the tutorial correctly. This updated version may soon be outdated as I am adding new information to the tutorial. This version will allow people who purchased the retail SL 10.6.3 upgrade disc to install OSX on their Dell 10v.
Again, this is probably the best compilation of items that will get your Dell 10v to have Mac OS X Snow Leopard installed in no time at all. Following through this guide should take about 4 hours from beginning to having your Dell 10v with a dual boot of Mac SL and Windows. About half that time if you only want Mac. I have had people take about 6-8 hours when using XP and also verifying each step was done properly. The longest amount of time will likely be waiting for the OSs to be installed. Worth the wait.
>>>This tutorial involves using an external USB DVDRW.<<<
No Mac system is required to prep any USB drive.
This guide was put together using actual retail OS discs. Snow Leopard is roughly available for $30-USD. There are no OS files in this package.
Items Required:
-Dell 10v
-External USB DVDRW (PC & Mac compatible)
-Blank CDR
-Retail OSX 10.6 disc
-Retail Windows XP, Vista, or Win7 32-bit disc (optional for dual boot)
-128MB USB drive (only required if BIOS needs to be flashed)
-This software package and tutorial.
You can use this guide to either install MacOSX on the Dell 10v alone, or dual boot with Windows. Most of the files you'll require are in this package, too. The only thing not included is a CD/DVD burning software. Anything that can burn a CDR from and ISO should work. I used ImgBurn, which is free.
This is a .rar file with no password.
Hash: 8618E47F 81A05AA5 738B04AB 5A7FE7BE E54E057E
Files Contained:
-Dell 10v OSX Install instructions v1.3 (.doc format - Open office works great)
-NetbookCD 0.8.3 RC4
-Netbook Installer 0.8.3 RC3
-Netbook Installer 0.8.4 RC1.app
-A04 BIOS version for Dell 10v *R225278
-USBDOS BIOS flash utility for netbooks
It is possible to follow this process with no other computers, other than the Dell 10v. Just prep the USB drive, burn the CDR, and you're on your way.
EDIT: There is a known error with dual booting that causes the time to display incorrectly in Windows. It's a M$ issue with UTC, The fix is a simple registry change.
Press- [Windows Key]+R.
Type- regedit
go to- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation
Right click- TimeZoneInformation
Click- New
Click- DWORD (32-bit) Value
Type- RealTimeIsUniversal
Right click- RealTimeIsUniversal
Click- Modify
Type- 1 (Hexidecimal)
Click- OK
Close all windows, restart and enter the MacOSX.
Verify time and timezone a set correctly
Restart and enter Windows.
Time should now show correctly (if not, check timezone and time in Windows)
もう一度言うけど、「DELL Inspiron mini10v」用なんで、興味のある方はリンク先のイーモバ付きで本体を1円ゲットするのも楽しいかもしれませんぞ!